The CDO team is developing a Perspectives/Decolonization toolkit for the UvA community, based on a wide variety of research and input. Below are a few recommendations, a sneak preview from our toolkit, a work-in-progress.
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Witte onschuld by Gloria Wekker (in English: White Innocence)
Alledaags racisme by Philomena Essed
Hallo witte mensen by Anousha Nzume
UvA Diversity Commission’s Let’s Do Diversity Report by Gloria Wekker et. al.
Gloria Wekker gaat in gesprek met Lex Bohlmeijer
Racisme met (met Sinan Çankaya)
#1 – Racisme, hoe gaan we het tegen? Met Clarice Gargard.
Code Switch NPR Podcast
Miss Buchanan’s Period Of Adjustment
Black Lives Matter
Minnesota Freedom Fund
List of Bail Funds for Protestors across the US
Code Inclusie & Diversiteit in culturele sector
The Black Archives
Stichting Nederland Wordt Beter
Lillith Magazine
Black Queer Trans Resistance
Naomie Pieter
Clarice Gargad
Olave Talks
Mitchell Esajas
The above lists are not exhaustive, just some examples of what is available.
Please read our blogpost, published on 5 June 2020: Racism: The other global pandemic – academia is not immune